Technical features:
• Semi-auto mode:After reading card the passenger pushes the arm by hand until he goes through the barriers and the arm arrives in home position.
• Full-auto mode:The passenger pushes the arm at a little strength after reading card,and the arm will automatically rotate forward by motor power until the arm arrives in home position.
• Pure mechanical mode: The passenger pushes the arm by hand until he goes through the barriers.
• Single or bi-directional function in mechanical and electrical versions.
• Automatic reset of barrier arms after each passage.
• Cable or wireless remote control panel key override control for emergency situations. Automatically arm drop down when power off or emergency.
• Adjustable time out delay.
• Single passage in the set direction
• Bi-directional single passage
• Free passage in the set direction
• Always free or locked
• Housing:Made in metal sheet and painted with 20/IO, or in stainless steel AISI 304 or AISI316.
• Barrier swings-Plastic plate, toughened glass, stainless steel frame.
• Lid(optional)--stainless steel or artificial stone(black/brown)
• High quality powder coating plus lacquered finish
• Dark grey colour high quality powder coating plus lacquered finish
• Sandpaper powder coating with pearl mica effect
联系人:Kevin Wang
手机:+86 155 6609 9692
电话:+86-024 3103 6890
地址: 辽ICP备19016572号